An open letter to modern Yogis. Yogi-to-Yogi talk.

         Dear Modern Yogis,

          Lets get Real now and have a serious conversation on where we go from here.
       No standing on our heads or having long hamstrings is going to make this world a better place. It is truly wonderful that we chose to engage in this fascinating science and keep our bodies fit and balanced. But is it enough? Is losing weight, looking hot in our yoga outfits, and touching our toes what Yoga is really about? What about our minds, or our hearts? Are they bending and opening up as much?

     Are we becoming more beautiful on the inside? Are we working on our mental flexibility to see the perfection in what we do not understand? Are we learning to embrace the challenges of-the-yoga-mat-life and truly becoming a healing presence in this world? Or… we just keep pushing our mental way through life, hurting others by our resistance to become conscious and get real, while intellectualizing about spirituality and Yoga?

        Yoga is about finding our way to Harmony within ourselves, with everything and everyone around. We do not need to own a yoga mat or sing OM to be a yogi, and we certainly do not need to  use our flexible and awesome-looking bodies to make others feel limited and small. Let us  arise above the body.

       All we need is the deep seated desire in our hearts to connect to everything and everyone around in a new, harmonious way. We must learn to love each other, through all our differences…. especially those who challenge our  “love muscle”.

      Yoga is about finding the courage to challenge our limited self! Yoga is a call to freedom from the mental trap.

      Yoga is about learning to see everything on the outside as an invitation to grow and expand on the inside. If we take our yoga practice a little deeper than picking a sexy yoga outfit and working on our Trikonasana, we will know and feel the  deeper truth. There is nothing wrong with choosing a great yoga outfit, as long as we choose as careful our attitude with it. Let us choose kindness. Let us choose love.

        Let us find our way to the space within that allows us to become a silent observer, a kind Lover of all things!!! We must learn to navigate through all the challenges and mental traps to see the Truth, that has been hidden underneath those thoughts, attitudes, opinions, likes and dislikes… and all the crap that we are so used to identify with.

      We are parts of ONE, same heart beats are pulsating in harmony all around this messed up but somehow beautiful world! Who cares about how different our choices are on the experience of being a human being. I am just another You… and you are another version of Me. “In Lakesh” as Maya say.

      Let us work on being real Yogis. Let us engage with the world around as if it was the only home…  We forgot that it is.

      Let us connect to others as if they were our sisters and brothers that we care about. We forgot, that is who they are.  Let us work on our perception and our own awareness.  It is the Self that is the switch to the Transformation. Lets press that button.

     Let others walk their paths honoring and respecting their own pace. Let us do the yoga with our minds and our hearts, so we can assist those who are still looking for their ways! Let us help each other feel that we are parts of One Harmonious Cosmic Orchestra… playing at all times… even for those who do not wish to hear it. Let us feel Loved. Let us unite and than we can say that we practice Yoga.

Shared in a spirit of Love and Compassion.
